April 2006
(Click on images to enlarge)

Things I learned to do this month:
I rode on a camel (my first animal ride and I wasn't even scared!)
Balance on one foot
Stopped nursing (April 19th)... although I still talk about "boobies" a lot
Sing songs

Cute things I say (the last 3 all said as a question):
No push you (as in "don't push me" on the swing)
Pick up Ari
This? (as in "what is this")
Two more bathtubs (as in "2 more books" or "2 more minutes")
Ari see 'em (when I want to see something)
Ari hold it (when I want to hold something)
Ari do it (when I want to do something)

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                                         Yummm, blueberries!



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Email Ari: aribenjamin at comcast dot net
(replace at with @ and dot with .)