May 2011
(Click on images to enlarge)

Things I did this month:
I started Jiu Jitsu!
Last day of first grade on May 27th!

Random Conversations:
(Background info: Ari's Jiu Jitsu instructor told Ari he could cut off all the ties from his gi (the uniform) and just use the belt to keep the top closed.  Mommy told Ari that this was not a good idea!)

Ari (calling Mommy at work, obviously very upset): Mommy, I cut the ties off my gi like my teacher said... but now I can't tie them!
Mommy (rolling her eyes): Really?!

*    *    *

Ari (discussing the ties on his gi): Mommy, did you know that if I don't cut off the ties, but just let them hang, they look like tzit-tzit!
Mommy: Hey, you should do that.  You could be the Jiu Jitsu Jew!  Get it?  Jew Jitsu ;)

*    *    *

Ari (very loudly at a restaurant while drawing a picture of Mommy): Mommy!  You have a nipple...(long pause while everyone turns to stare)...on your chin! (as he draws a big spot on the chin of his drawing).
Mommy (laughing hysterically): I think you mean a pimple!
Ari (somewhat confused why so funny): Ya, a pimple... on your chin!

Cute clean me ;-)

Breakdance performance

Hiking the Sandia Crest with Shannon

End-of-year celebration at Chabad


Lag B'Omer at Chabad

School Art

First grade End-of-year picnic at EJ Martinez
Niki, Cole, Ari, Brian

First BBQ of the summer with the neighbors (oops no pics of the neighbors!)
Grilled shrimp and pineapple, smoked brisket, salad, grilled veggies, homemade apple pie)



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Click here for Ari's Birth Announcement
Click here for Ari and Steph's Home Page

Email Ari: aribenjamin at comcast dot net
(replace at with @ and dot with .)