March 2009
(Click on images to enlarge)

Things I did this month:
I know I must have done SOMETHING new this month... hmmmmm... I'll think on it and get back to you

Random Conversations:
(One day Ari will kill me for this, but I couldn't resist!)
Ari (in the bathtub): Mommy!  Mommy!  I found a ball!  What's this ball?
Mommy:  There should be another one.
Mommy:  Keep looking.
Ari: .....Oh!  You're right!  There's two!  ....I wish I could take them out and play with them!


Silly me in Mommy's coat

Awesome tattoo man!

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Can you pick out the Rabbi?
(hint: he's the one with the bottle of Glenlivit!)

The Purim play and song
(Chabad Hebrew school class with teacher Mitch)

More Purim Celebration Pics at

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My friend Jacob's 6th Birthday Party
(Spiderman at Chabad!  Now that's got to be a first ;-)

Ari and Cerel


Ari and Rivka

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My stylin' new haircut--I'm growing it out

My first slumber party!
(ok, it only lasted until 11pm, but Laurel, Hannah, and I PARTIED!)

Ari shot


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Bubba, Grandpa Bob, and Aunt Carol came to visit me!!!!!

Our trip to Bandelier National Monument






Click here for the 2009 picture index
Click here for the 2008 picture index
Click here for Ari's Birth Announcement
Click here for Ari and Steph's Home Page

Email Ari: aribenjamin at comcast dot net
(replace at with @ and dot with .)