November 18, 2004
11:15 pm
6 lbs, 6 oz
20.25 inches

samuel,t=60sec_111804crop (Medium).JPG (28879 bytes)            samuel,_t=36_hrs (Medium).JPG (33381 bytes)            samuel,_t=5_dayscrop (Medium).JPG (44023 bytes)
60 seconds                            36 hours                          5 days


  FirstAirplaneRide3_112504 (Medium).jpg (61323 bytes)
Ari's first airplane ride!

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                    The proud                                           Sleepy baby                                            
                (and exhausted!) 

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        T h e   p r o u d   g r a n d p a r e n t s

    IMG_1166_112504 (Medium).jpg (68835 bytes)                    IMG_1168_112504 (Medium).jpg (49338 bytes)        StephSamuel_112704 (Medium).JPG (87138 bytes)
The 2 cousins and aunts                Still sleeping...              I'm an aunt!!

 IMG_1201_112704 (Medium).jpg (54016 bytes)             IMG_1171_112504 (Medium).jpg (31808 bytes)        IMG_1202_112704 (Medium).jpg (47644 bytes)
Bubba and Samuel          Sleeping on daddy...
                                        ...that's the best!

IMG_1182_112604 (Medium).jpg (70875 bytes)    IMG_1184_112604redeye (Medium).jpg (63779 bytes)            Kevin1_112604 (Medium).jpg (82056 bytes)    Kevin2_112604 (Medium).jpg (80479 bytes)
 Thanksgiving leftovers... yummm!!!            Forehead bonkies with my new bud Kevin

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            Hangin' out with daddy

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       Oh Boy!  Everybody wants to play with me!

        IMG_1167_112504 (Medium).jpg (61558 bytes)                                 IMG_1174_112504 (Medium).jpg (49265 bytes)
Next year I'll get to play too!            ...but for now I'd rather just sleep
                                                          (don't stop bouncing daddy!)


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    IMG_1248_112904 (Medium).jpg (58848 bytes)                      IMG_1198_112704redeye (Medium).jpg (43025 bytes)
         Last breakfast in Dallas        Hey look!  I'm the flying nun!


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Night, night
Sleep tight
Don't let the bedbugs bite...


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