June 2009
(Click on images to enlarge)

Things I did this month:
Home for the summer!!
Started Skateboard school and climbing gym classes and swim lessons
Swim lessons (with an awesome report card!)

Random Conversations:
Ari (the announcer): Ladiiiiiies aaaand gentlemeeeeens!  ...come on gentlemens!

*    *    *

Ari (on being embarrassed): I was so embarrassed... well just a little bit embarrassed... actually there was just a drop of embarrassment in me.

*    *    *

Ari (while home sick): Make me some soup... and some tea.  Tea always helps me.  I've never tried it, but I think it always helps me.

*    *    *

Ari (explaining something): Beezit works that way  (hint: "beezit" = "because it")

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Ari (apologizing): I'm sorry from being mean.

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Ari (on spraying air-freshener in the house all day): I'm spraying it so the house will smell fancy.

*    *    *

    Let's play "chest" (chess)
    Coke 'n cola
    Old McDonalds (i.e., the restaurant)


An athlete!

A musician!

A kid!

Ottmar Leibert fundraiser for Little Earth School

Skateboard School

Sideways Stories From Wayside School with Bubba

Bug hunting with my friend Sam

Santa Fe Rodeo with Sam




Click here for the 2009 picture index
Click here for the 2008 picture index
Click here for Ari's Birth Announcement
Click here for Ari and Steph's Home Page

Email Ari: aribenjamin at comcast dot net
(replace at with @ and dot with .)